Sunday, June 6, 2010


"NA SHE THINK SAY SHE GET SOME MUGU, NA SHE THINKS SHE GETS SOME MAGGAR (MAGGAR), EII, ABI THE MASTER YOU BE THE MUGU" that was hw Akoo Nana started his interview when "THE PICTURE" caught up with him inside Yagola on the show "WAVE YA FLAG" held at the Yagola nite club on the 5th of June 2010.

So Akoo tell us, what has being happening to you these days, Am fine by God's grace i was in the studio recording my new album and now by God's grace it is ready.... Akoo Nana's reply to my simple question. Tell me Akoo, what's the message behind your latest single on the promotional vehicle, Well its basically about Fraud, am trying to teach the youth out there not to stick their heads into deceiving each other in relationships as no body is the master nor the mugu, yeah that's it... Akoo Nana added. My album is out, is no more in the studios of Appietus so fans can get themselves a copy each at any distributor, He quickly explained when i asked him whether he is pushing a single or the whole album is ready. How many tracks do we have on this particular album Akoo Nana, Well i have TEN (10) hot tracks on the new album, and the title to this one is "MUGU" an is my second album, Akoo could not stop showing his joy and excitement behind the new one so went on to tell us (the Picture) the above.

Are we going to host an album signing because its looks like that's what is happening in our industry these days,....... Yeah, and that's one reason why i came to yagola tonight, am not going to reveal the package i have for all lovers of Akoo nana in and outside Ghana, but i will say they should be finger crossed and hope for the best very Soon. Well, I will say that God has treated me very good lately and hence the industry as well, my greatest Thank you goes to the Almighty God for bringing me this far and all those who held my hands to climb the ladder of success... Akoo Nana's answer to the question how has the industry treated you so far?

The best is yet to come, the "MUGU" video and album is out go check it out for your self and listen to ten hot tracks from (me) Akoo nana, he explained more. Did you (Akoo Nana) do any collaboration or features in this particular one, yeah i did, i worked Ruff N Smooth and others, God Bless them too. My touching words "Be peaceful, Loving and understanding" God Be with us all, Akoo nana's final words for his lovers, fans and well wishers.

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