Friday, September 3, 2010


This year’s Malta Guinness street dance Pan African competition will be held in Ghana from the 6th of October 2010 and involves six African countries, namely, Kenya, Cameroun, Tanzania, Nigeria, Mali and Ghana.
This was made known by the Marketing Manageress of Malta Guinness Ghana Ltd at Alisa Hotel North ridge. She added that this year’s Pan Africa competition prices are different as it is now the winner takes all.
At the function to grace it with his presence was the Director from the ministry of Tourism, who was never allowed to make an acceptance statement officially to the media, but was pushed to accept without words that, the ministry is in support of the event.
The winner of the Pan African Dance Competition takes away a swooping amount of thirty-Five thousand dollars ($35,000) and is winner takes all.
The managing director of Malta Guinness was very optimistic that the Ghanaian representatives, High Spirit, will win the competition, this he said as, “I have seen this group dance at the national finals and from the way they dance they will win the competition”.
The atmosphere in the conference room of Alisa Hotel was very high as High Spirit, Ghana’s representative at this year’s competition urged all Ghanaians to rally behind them as they promise a total victory, hands down for the nation.
The organizers of the street dance Competition, Malta Guinness, explained their reason for selecting Ghana as the host of this year’s Pan African finals as, “everything this year has being about Ghana, from football to other games and importantly, the first ever winners of this great competition was Ghana, hence a good reason to bring it home for the local people to enjoy”.
They also added that, this year’s event will be very different, the groups will be housed like any reality show, they will be taking challenges and going through grooming sessions from top choreographers in and outside the country Ghana as well.
In the case of Judges for the event, the organizers explained that none of the judges of this show is from Ghana, all judges are not from any of the participating teams in the competition, and hence the event is very clean and not partial.
The room became very patriotic when a theme was given to the event, that is “host and Win”, a popular theme many football lovers will not like to hear or remember, simply because Ghana upon hosting the African Cup of nations with that theme lost the trophy, turning the theme to Host and Weep, but we Forbid that for High Spirit, this year.
In what seem to be more patriotism from the organizers, who are keen on making ‘High spirit’ win the competition, was the launched of ‘360 degrees plan’.
It constitute training with a top choreographer and other things put in place to help them (High Spirit) win, even though the organizers claim they will not be partial in their deeds, our eyes are following with Keen interest hoping to that they never do.
To end the occasion was a delightful performance from “High Spirit’ just to prove their readiness for the final show and 2PUFF, first ever winners of the Malta Guinness Street dance, both national and Pan Africa.
We congratulate Malta Guinness for this great idea and ‘High Spirit’ for winning the national competition; we believe they will make us proud, establishing the theme “HOST AND WIN”.
Story: Nana Yaw Wiredu/

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