Thursday, September 9, 2010


The Malta Guinness street dance first ever winners 2PUFF were turned into ‘TRADERS’ in their passports, instead of dancers by the organizers of the event when they had to travel to the United Kingdom for the world street dance competition, last two years.
Malta Guinness street dance competitions being the first of its kind in Ghana was well accepted by the youth, they followed the train were ever it went with the hope that they could pass the regional competition in order to represent the region at the nationals.
2PUFF just like any other dance group followed the train and passed the regional test to represent their region at the national finals.
At the nationals 2PUFF won the competition hands down, even though the other dance groups proved their worth, 2PUFF were more on point from the ruling of the Judges.
Price packages for the national winner were, ₵5000, ticket to REP Ghana at the African championship and drinks from Malta Guinness, this price package was handled over to 2PUFF.
They took up the challenge to rep Ghana at the Africa stages, which they also won, that made 2PUFF the first ever winners of the Malta Guinness street dance champions both national and Africa.
The price package was $1050, a return ticket to rep Africa, Ghana to be precise at the world stage in the United Kingdom and Malta Guinness products. The latter package was peacefully handed over to the winners but one was left out.
The winners were refused VISAs to travel to the United Kingdom for the world stage last two years because in their passport they were not Dancers or artistes but Traders.
A source close to the group told us that, the world stage of the dance competition was held but Ghana/Africa was not represented, simply because Malta Guinness turned the dancers into traders, hence if they are traders then a need for working permit.
‘This disappointment brought argument between the two groups that is Malta Guinness and 2PUFF as the group could not understand what was going on, the source continued’.
Our investigations show that the head of the team (that is the man taking the guys to UK) had his VISA because he had working permit because he is working.
When the guys approached Malta Guinness on the issue because time and days were running out (they were bounced that same week, the UK event was taken place), the organizers told 2PUFF to go look for working permit which was going to be difficult because these guys do not work, they won a competition, hence they could not get a working permit.
Days and time have passed away, the world street dance champions were on going as the UK organizers called and called to find out why the Ghanaian group was not coming.
The only reason given to the group 2PUFF from the organizers was that it was a mistake and they apologize for such a mistake. In compensating them the group was taken to South Africa for some holidays and relaxation.
The event was the first of its kind in Africa and it brought energy into the youth giving them hope for employment. It also took the young guys who had the talent of dancing off the streets and gave them meaning for what they do; hence they could make something out of their talents.
The question is should a mistake be allowed to happen or was it a deliberate attempt from the organizers not to send the winners to the World stage?
2PUFF on 4SYTE TV top 10 music videos lied to the whole Ghana saying that the world street dance championship never happened, mean while they were turned into TRADERS instead of DANCERS by the organizers.
Will the same thing happen to High Spirit, the new national winners of the Malta Guinness street dance held in the country?
Story: Nana Yaw Wiredu/

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