Tuesday, September 14, 2010


In the year 2008 a presidential aspirant in the United States paved way for the breakthrough of a radio presenter turned reggae musician, Black Rasta, in Ghana, when the latter composed a song for the American President Barrack Obama.
The question has been on the minds of many, IS BLACK RASTA A RAP ARTISTE?
In the song Barack Obama by Black Rasta, the radio presenter turned musician talked too much in the song, some of the talking in that song went off the beat at a certain point, while at other verses one could hardly hear the reggae artiste words.
With that success in that style, Black Rasta thought with another such style Ghanaian reggae lovers will welcome it as they did with the song Barrack Obama.
Unfortunately for him, ‘We no want any Whitey, whitey we no wan any Cocaine, Cocaine! No whitey, no cocaine” did not do too well, as one of the stations jamming that song is Hitz 103.7fm (sorry that is where the artiste works).
What do we call his kind of style in the reggae industry, is it rap reggae or what?
If Culture, Bob Nester Marley, Peter Tosh and Lucky Duby’s kind of reggae music is to go by as the definition of reggae music, then we don’t believe that Black Rasta falls under the category reggae music.
In anticipation to find out what kind of music the radio presenter turned musician does, a vox pop was held in town and this is what people had to say;
Kwame (a Banker): ‘Well I think he is doing well as a presenter but not too good as a musician, I can’t easily pin point his style in the reggae industry, in short he does “Dancehall Reggae”.
Ato (taxi Driver): I love black Rasta, his show on radio is one I don’t miss every day, especially the Shaker Box, for the music, I will say he does Dancehall music and I love his Barack Obama track.
Mavis (Market Woman): Oh! Black Rasta talks too much in his music, sometimes it is hard for me to hear what he is saying and follow it. If he should relax and say the things one after the other I will love the songs.
Many spoke to us on this issue, majority of them hitting the fact that Black Rasta talks too much in his music and do not know the style/kind of music he does whether it is dancehall reggae or reggae as we know.
A school of thought was of the view that he talks too much and that he should relax and concentrate on his career as both presenter and musician.
On radio Black Rasta creates more haters than lovers affecting his musical career, many reggae lovers who tune into the musician show complain that sometimes he over says certain things he says on radio and over challenges other of other faith.
Black Rasta should know that music and religion is liberal and one has the power to listen or follow the music / reggae respectively, hence should reduced his talking in both his music and presentation.
Black Rasta talks too much……
Story: Nana Yaw Wiredu/nanayawwiredu.blogspot.com

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